ARM880 Matrix Paging Mixer

Matrix Paging Mixer
- 8 audio inputs and 8 audio outputs
- Inputs 1-4, line, with gain control
- Inputs 5-8, switchable line/mic
- 2 zone paging microphones ARM-880RC and 1 local microphone (for all zones) can be connected
- 1 additional audio input for each zone, non-routable, with gain control
The ARM-880… from MONACOR is a highly flexible PA solution for multi-room applications. It is ideally suited for the application in hotels, in restaurants and bars, in conference rooms, schools, sports and fitness centres. Eight different audio sources, e.g. CD players, SAT receivers, radio programmes can be distributed to 8 output zones, assignment as required.
The audio matrix router ARM-880 is the heart of the system. For the operation, one amplifier is required for each output used. This may be an individual power amplifier or an active speaker system. Matching wall modules ARM-880WP1, ARM-880WP2 and ARM-880WP3 for the remote control of ARM-880 and with additional local inputs for the zone are available at option.
We Know AV Say
“The ARM-880 from Stageline represents a great installation product, packed with features.”
For Pricing and Further Information
If you want to learn more about the Stageline ARM-880, we’d be really pleased to talk to you.