Tecpro MS741 Single Circuit Master Station

Single Circuit Master Station
- Compact 1U format
- Two independent intercom circuits, A and B (increases to four when combined with ME742 Extender unit)
- Supports up to 25 Tecpro BP511 beltpacks per circuit
- Circuit B may be linked to A to form a single circuit supporting up to 50 beltpacks
- Built-in electret talk-back microphone. XLR4 input for optional gooseneck mic or headset
Designed to be the hub of a wired intercom system, the compact MS741 Master Loudspeaker Station has been developed from the highly successful original Tecpro designs that dominate the UK live events industry. It maintains the traditional high standards of construction while offering useful new features that satisfy common installation and operational demands.
The MS741 Master Loudspeaker Station has two independent intercom circuits, A and B, which can be addressed separately or together by the operator. Each circuit can power up to 25 Tecpro BP511 beltpacks. Circuit B may be linked to circuit A to form a single circuit supporting up to 50 beltpacks.
Each intercom circuit has its own individual power supply with short-circuit protection. All protection is electronic and automatic and no resetting is necessary following removal of a fault condition. The Master Loudspeaker Station can be operated world-wide without the need to change AC power supply settings.
As events become more complex, two communication circuits may not be enough. Linking the ME742 Master Loudspeaker Station Extender unit to the Master Loudspeaker Station creates two additional circuits, C and D, technically identical to A and B. They may be used independently or linked as required. In total, between 1 and 4 intercom circuits may be configured.
External audio sources such as programme feeds or show relay can be mixed to either intercom circuit using the ‘Aux Level’ control. To ensure important announcements are always heard, the ‘Override’ function triggers any Tecpro LS200 or LS300 loudspeaker stations operating on a selected circuit to default to pre-set audio levels independent of the loudspeaker’s current volume control setting which may have been turned down to zero.
The ‘Announce’ mode allows paging directly to an external PA system by routing the talk-back mic signal to a dedicated output on the rear panel. This mode can also be triggered externally via a rear 6-pin DIN socket.
To keep communications clear of excessive background noise and chatter, all Series 2 Tecpro beltpack and user stations on a selected circuit can be silenced remotely from the MS741Master Loudspeaker Station using the ‘Remote Mic Kill’ facility*.
*Tecpro Series 2 products are backwards compatible with first generation designs with the exception of the ‘Remote Mic Kill’ which applies to Series 2 products only.
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“Tecpro products are market leaders for two-way communications systems, perfect for theatres, live events and broadcast.”
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