01525 839809 / 07966 270111 James@WeKnowAV.co.uk

Crown XLS DriveCore 2 Amplifier Series

2-Channel Amplifiers

  • XLS1000 2x350W 4Ω
  • XLS1500 2x525W 4Ω
  • XLS2000 2x650W 4Ω
  • XLS2500 2x775W 4Ω
  • Perfect for Portable PA




The Crown XLS DriveCore 2 Series of amplifiers define the standard for live sound systems with unmatched performance, technology and affordability. The XLS-Series offers four models, packed with features, designed to meet any audio requirements reliably within budget.

We Know AV Say

“The Crown XLS-Series of amplifiers are perfect for portable, live pa applications and are affordable whilst being very reliable”

For Pricing and Further Information

If you want to learn more about the Crown XLS DriveCore 2 Series Amplifiers, we’d be pleased to talk to you.

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