Leicester Cathedral, UK

Project Description
Having won a competitive tender to supply Leicester Cathedral, Noiseboys, a professional AV Design, supply and installation company installed a completely new audio system at the Cathedral, including the newly created area to house the tomb of King Richard III.
Having chosen discrete steerable line array columns, a very complex control system sits in the background with wireless microphones ad control and amplification systems from BSS, Crown and AKG , supplied by We Know AV. With a simple touch-screen user interface to simplify the user experience, Noiseboys put together and installed a very user-friendly solution that is serving the Cathedral well, having recently featured in live broadcast on Radio 4 and Channel 4 TV.
Project Details
Client Noiseboys
Date Feb 2015
Skills System Design, Specification

Project Feature
We were able to assist with the system specification for this large audio project at Leicester Cathedral, perhaps we can help you?
Project Feature
If you’d like to find out more about this project and how we can help with your projects, contact us at james@weknowav.co.uk